Die Jahre 2008 - 2012 (The years 2008 - 2012) 12 Ik 6 Kankin - 4 Ahau, 3 Kankin
Die Maya Kalenderzyklen Tzolkin, Haab, Lange Zählung und der gregorianische Kalender
(The Maya calendar cycles tzolkin, haab, long count and the gregorian calendar)
ISBN: 978-3-00-023002-8
Date of publication: 2007 Copies: 30 pieces hand-offset Paper: Johannot 240 g/qm
5 single pages plus cover. Size: 32 cm x 50 cm Price: 350 Euro
Bound to a leporello. Size app. 156 cm x 50 cm Price: 450 Euro
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EDITION NO. 2 (2012)
88 Sternbilder, der Stand der Sonne im Zodiak und die Mondphasen des Jahres 2012
(88 constellations, the position of the sun in the zodiak and the phases of the moon 2012)
Date of publication: 2011 Copies: 20 pieces hand-offset
Paper: Zerkall 210 g/qm
Size 51 cm x 37 cm Price: 250 Euro
Piezo-Pigment print
Paper: on demand Format 95 cm x 70 cm Price: starting at 360 Euro
EDITION NO. 2 (2010)
88 Sternbilder, der Stand der Sonne im Zodiak und die Mondphasen des Jahres 2010
(88 constellations, the position of the sun in the zodiak and the phases of the moon 2010)
Date of publication: 2008 Copies: 10 pieces hand-offset
Size 51 cm x 37 cm: 200 Euro Copies: Zerkall 210 g/qm
sold out
Paper: auf Anfrage Size 95 cm x 70 cm PRIZE: starting at 360 Euro
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Rad der Wandlungen, (Wheel of Change) a mandala
Date of publication: 2011 Copies: 50 pieces im hand-offset
Size: 40 cm x 60 cm. Price: 450 Euro
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Calendar in form of a leporello
Date of publication: 2008
4-colour industrial-offset, Leporello, handmade book covers
Artist book, DinA6 (spread: 11 cm x 210 cm) Price: 13 Euro